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Generalmente, el fertilizante se compone de tres nutrientes principales: nitrógeno, fósforo y potasio. El nitrógeno hace que el césped y las plantas crezcan espesos y verdes, mientras que el fósforo estimula el crecimiento de las raíces y el desarrollo de las semillas; El potasio protege contra enfermedades y sequías durante las estaciones secas.

¿Por qué fertilizar?

Regular feedings are essential for your lawn. Water is important, but most types of grass and plants thrive off of that extra boost to keep them healthy. Using fertilizer on your grass and plants has many benefits including;

- Retaining  nutrients

- Competing with weeds.

- Staying greener, longer and more affordable

- Keeping disease at bay

- Looking great for customers

- Reducing bare or brown patches


We recommend applying fertilizer quarterly(Jan, April, July, and Oct), but again, this will depend on each individual lawn and landscape.

Cuidado del césped de Tyler Costas
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